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Hypnosis has been shown to be effective in helping people with a wide variety of conditions including (but not limited to):

  • Pain
  • Dental & Medical Procedures
  • Post-Surgical Recovery
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Anxiety & Phobias
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Dissociative Disorders
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Weight Management
  • Habit Disorders
  • Asthma
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • Hemophilia
  • Skin Conditions
  • Childbirth

Hypnosis has been demonstrated to have a wide range of benefits, from simply improving symptoms or difficulties, to completely eliminating them.

Most people describe hypnosis as a pleasant experience, during which they feel focused and absorbed in the hypnotic experience. Depending on how you and your therapist agree to structure your hypnosis sessions, they may help you to feel more alert, more relaxed, more comfortable, or more peaceful.

Clinical hypnosis should be conducted only by properly trained and credentialed health care professionals (e.g., licensed psychologists, social workers, nurses, doctors, OTs and PTs) who have been specifically trained in the use of hypnosis, and who are working within the limits of their professional expertise.

Hypnosis FAQs

Many people have concerns or worries about hypnosis based on misconceptions they have. These misconceptions may be based on things they might have seen on TV, in the movies, or in stage shows. Listed below are some common misconceptions, and the actual facts about hypnosis.

The person being hypnotized will be under the control of the hypnotist, and can be made to do or say anything the hypnotist wants.
No matter how deeply hypnotized you become; you will remain in control throughout the session. You cannot be made to do anything you do not want to do, or anything that you are uncomfortable doing

Hypnosis is something that is done to people, rather than something that they can do for themselves.
Hypnosis is a skill you can learn. It is a tool you can use to help yourself feel better.

People become trapped in hypnosis and cannot “come out” of it when they want to.
People can end hypnosis whenever they want.

People have to be very “hypnotizable” or “suggestible” or “gullible” for hypnosis to work.
Research has indicated that the vast majority of people can benefit from hypnosis. Furthermore, being hypnotizable or choosing to be responsive to suggestions means only that you have the ability to use hypnosis effectively. It is not at all related to being gullible or weak-willed.

During hypnosis, people are unconscious.
During hypnosis, people are not asleep or unconscious. Although they may feel very relaxed, they are active participants in the hypnosis session.

Highlander Counselling & Mediation

Leonard McEwen, MSW, RSW

Edmonton Office
Kirk Centre UC
13535 122 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5L 2V7

Spruce Grove Office
300 King Street
Spruce Grove, Alberta T7X 3X2

phone: (780) 903-3961
toll free: 1 (866) 824-8175
